Request A Quote
If you have a project you would like us to quote please submit the form below or send us an email with a few basic pieces of information.
- Part Prints – Prints tell us everything from size, part number and specifications to how to design racks and which part details to plan for. Please send pdf prints and not models. If you only have screen grabs that’s okay too but please provide dimensions where possible.
- Surface area and Annual volume (EAU) of each part number: providing surface area in square inches and annual volume helps us determine rack quantities, line capacity and coating consumption metrics.
- Prep and Masking requirements: If masking is not called for in the print please indicate where you may need it from threaded holes to flat surfaces. Please also indicate how the part will be pre-finished (vibratory tumbling, blasting etc)
- Packaging requirements and logistics: How we receive and ships parts is often just as critical as coating them to begin with. What type of packaging will you be working with (cell pack, vacuum packaging, poly bags etc)?